Tuesday 2 April 2013

 photo inauguration-day_zps77ac024e.jpg US Inauguration Day 2017: Helen Connell takes office .Crowds of thousands of supporters and protesters gathered around the capitol building to watch Helen Connell, former senator for Massachusetts, be sworn in as the first female President of the United States. A known social activist of both Irish and Latin decent, the 43 year old Democrat was born in Boston. The eldest daughter to a school teacher and police officer, Rita and Mike Connell respectivly. She was elected senator at 33, one of the youngest people in US history to be made a member of congress. Her presidential campaign (along with the rest of the election) has been hotly contested since it's beginning. Ideology has been a core issue in this election. Republican nomminee, former tea party member and social conservative, Nick Byron debated Connell on cores issues such as gun control, gay marriage, public healthcare,taxes and most importantly the economy. The election result for both congress and the office of President reflects the dividedness of America. The senate remains narrowly controled by the republicans (which is shifting to the right)while the house of reps has a democrat majority by only a few seats. All political exports agree that if Connell wants to bring about her sweeping liberal reforms, and if the Republicans want to stop her, both will need too convince the supreme court to rule in their favour. Whatever happens, all agree that the next four years will be a critical time for the US constitution.

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